Committee Chair: Sam Burton

Committee vacancies

The Pre-Trainee Committee is seeking members to join the Committee. If you are a medical student interested in playing an active role in EACTS, please apply to the vacancy below. Pre-Trainee membership is a requirement to be a member of the Committee.

Apply Here
  • Apply by 28 May

Applications opening soon!

Pre-Trainee Annual Meeting Grants

EACTS warmly invites all students and pre-trainees worldwide to join us at the 38th EACTS Annual Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. This year, we are introducing tailored sessions designed explicitly for pre-trainees, ensuring they receive the guidance and knowledge they need to thrive in their early careers. To facilitate student development, we are proud to offer five new educational grants to EACTS Pre-Trainee Members passionate about cardiothoracic surgery. Find out more what the grants include and how to apply below.