Research fellowships offer experienced cardiothoracic surgeons a placement in cardiothoracic research.
Applications are open from 1 March to 1 May 2024.
The Francis Fontan Fund for Education supports surgical education, fosters professional development and strengthens the global cardiothoracic community through increased knowledge share.
Explore our FellowshipsTo facilitate student development, we are proud to offer five new educational grants to EACTS Pre-Trainee Members passionate about cardiothoracic surgery. The grants will include registration for the Annual Meeting itself and a €750 stipend to cover travel and accommodation costs.
Research fellowships offer experienced cardiothoracic surgeons a placement in cardiothoracic research.
Applications are open from 1 March to 1 May 2024.
Leadership fellowships enable candidates to attend specialist courses and a placement in a clinic specialised in a specific area of cardiothoracic surgery.
Applications are open from 1 March to 1 May 2024.
Education fellowships offer candidates early in their surgical career foundational knowledge in a specific aspect of cardiothoracic surgery.
Applications are open from 1 July to 1 September 2024.
International collaboration and knowledge exchange is vital to advance education and professional expertise, so it is a great honour to be a recipient of this fellowship. I have a strong interest in off-pump CABG surgery and a desire to establish an off-pump CABG programme at my institution in North Macedonia. The opportunity to spend time with outstanding experts in the field will help to progress this ambition and enable me to build relationships within our cardiac community.
I also observed how other cardiac centers worked, as well as their organisation and structure. I saw patients with excellent postoperative recovery and their expectation with the treatment. This kind of experience always contributes to my professional and personal growth.
Taking part in the Francis Fontan Fund Fellowship in Barcelona under the supervision of Eduard Quintana, has been invaluable, providing high-quality speciality training as well as introducing me to new technologies, like robotic surgery. For a trainee resident like me, it’s a perfect setting to see the whole of cardiac surgery whilst being mentored and trained by specialists.