Luca Botta
My current position is staff surgeon at the Division of Cardiac Surgery and Heart Transplantation (Chief: Prof. Davide Pacini) of IRCCS (Istituto di Ricerca e Cura a Carattere Scientifico – Scientific Institute for Reasearch, Hospitalization and Healthcare) Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Policlinico di S. Orsola (S. Orsola University Hospital), Italy. I have recently been appointed as responsible for mechanical circulatory supports (MCS) and heart harvesting technologies of the adult advanced heart failure program of my hospital. I graduated in 2003 at University of Naples “ Federico II” and completed residency in cardiac surgery at University of Bologna in 2008. I obtained a PhD in 2011 at University of Naples Federico II (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical Pathophisiology and Experimental Medicine – Cardiovascular Area) by discussing a thesis entitled: Mechanical circulatory supports in the treatment of advanced heart failure. I have been first clinical and research fellow, then staff surgeon at Niguarda Great Metropolitan Hospital in Milan from 2008 to 2019. From 2019 to this date I came back in Bologna as staff surgeon at the University Hospital S. Orsola. I had the opportunity to work in two of the busiest hospital for mechanical circulatory support and heart transplantation in Italy (Niguarda Hospital in Milano and S. Orsola University Hospital in Bologna). I joined many heart failure meetings with cardiologists, anesthesiologists, perfusionists, 2 nurses, VAD coordinators and other involved specialists with enthusiasm and active participation to discuss indications or contraindications to examinations, screening and required operations. I’m strongly involved in every aspect of cardiac surgery with a main interest in heart failure in its own aspect (from medical therapy and IABP or Impella to complex coronary or valvular surgery until VA-VV ECMO, LVAD, BiVAD, Impella, Heart and Lung Transplantation). I actively perform as first surgeon all these operations in my hospital with encouraging outcomes. I have a large experience in heart retrieval, including the use of Paragonix SheraPack and OCS (Organ Care System) Heart by Transmedics. I actively follow patients with heart failure (heart failure day hospital) before and after surgery together with colleagues of cardiology. I have also a strong interest in scientific reaserch, with several published articles, book chapters and invited talks in national and international congresses and served as reviewer for major journals of cardiological and cardiac surgical interest. I’m actively contributing to the development of a protocol for DCD heart harvesting in Italy. I’m an active member of EACTS from 2005 and have participated to different EACTS meetings and courses serving also as speaker, moderator or discussant.