Paul Urbanski

Paul P. Urbanski graduated from the Medical University of Katowice, Poland and the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany. He underwent training as a general, vascular and cardiac surgeon obtaining both Polish and German board qualifications for all 3 specialisations. Since 1986, he has been working at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Cardiovascular Clinic Bad Neustadt, and since 1995, he is the Chief Consultant and Department Vice-Director. At last count, by January 2018, he had personally performed more than 10,500 open cardiac surgeries using extracorporeal circulation, more than 2,200 thoracic aortic surgeries, and about 1,200 reconstructive aortic surgeries. He introduced and developed a carotid artery cannulation technique and several aortic valve and root repair techniques. He is the single or first author of about 90 scientific articles published in PubMed-listed journals and an ordinary or honorary member of many European Cardiovascular Organisations and Working Groups. In 2009, he was nominated to ordinary Professor of Surgery by the Silesian Medical University of Katowice, Poland.