Thoracic Domain Vacancies – Deadline 4 July

Are you passionate about advancing the field of thoracic healthcare? Do you want to be at the forefront of ground breaking research and scientific advancements? If so, then seize the opportunity to join the influential Thoracic Domain today. Read below for the criteria and how to apply.
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Thoracic Domain Vacancies - Deadline 4 July

Application Criteria

Before applying for any role on the Domain, you must be an EACTS Member (approved applicant member) to be eligible. Find out how to join EACTS membership below:

The Thoracic Domain is recruiting three European members for a three-year term starting from October 2024. Join the domain for the chance to:

  • Collaborate with leading experts in the field
  • Access cutting-edge research
  • Contribute to the development of innovative treatment strategies for thoracic diseases.

You must apply via your EACTS User Area and upload your CV and a Cover Letter. Please also let us know about your background, areas of clinical interest, ideas for the future and your prior involvement in EACTS.

Deadline for applications is 4th July.